Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's been a while....

Wow, has it been forever since I posted a thread!

The Leonardi family is doing great. Ian is now 8.5 months old and weighing in at 24lbs, 1oz. He just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger.....

I'm trying to decided what sort of path I want this blog to take. I'm thinking of starting with some baby product reviews since I use a lot of baby products. And maybe it'll just morph into my opinions on all sorts of products. Only time will tell.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I can't believe....

I can't believe that Ian is almost 6 months old already.

I can't believe the amount of food my baby boy consumes in one day.

I can't believe how the simple act of learning to roll over changes your world.

I can't believe how much Ian has learned to do in such a short time.

I can't believe how much I love that little human.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow, Snow and more Snow

I love NH...except for all of this snow! Seriously, I am done. We don't need any more. We've already gotten 2 feet more than average this winter and we are getting another 12"+ today! And I have to go to work which means bringing Ian to daycare and driving on the snow-covered roads with all of the other idiots that are out today.

Someone, please, send some sunshine and warmth. And a tasty frozen beverage to be enjoyed on a hammock. In exchange, I'll send you the 5-6 feet of snow we've gotten with a warm mug of cocoa. I think it sounds like a fair trade.

Friday, February 27, 2009

People annoy me.....

Okay, why are people so rude and inconsiderate? I have taken Ian out with me dozens of times, and only twice have people held the door for me so I can get inside with the stroller without having to be a contortionist. That got me thinking about all of the other things that people do to piss me off.

1. When you're done shopping, please return your cart to the corral. Seriously, if my 86 year old grandmother can do it, so can you.

2. When you're trying to decide which type of cereal to buy, move your cart to the side of the aisle. Leaving it in the middle makes it impossible for anyone else to pass by.

3. Food is not free. If you MUST eat while shopping, make it something like crackers that can still be scanned and paid for even if you finish them. If you eat something paid for by weight, like a banana, there is no way for you to pay for it after your fat ass has finished it.

4. If you decide you don't want to buy the vanilla ice cream, put it back in the freezer section, don't leave it in the soup aisle.

5. When you are travelling by air and waiting to pick up your luggage, stand back. If everyone crowds around the conveyer belt, you can't see your bags. And if you can see them, you can't get in to fetch them. If everyone would just stand back, it would go much more smoothly.

6. Just because your carry-on bag fit in the overhead bin on a B767, does not mean it will fit in the overhead bin on a small turboprop aircraft. When the flight attendant tells you it needs to be gate checked, don't argue with her....just do it.

7. When you are visiting Pearl Harbor, the leis are left as a memorial to the deceased. They are not there for you to pick them up, put them on, and take pictures.

I'm sure I could go on and on, but this has been very cathartic. I feel much better...thank you for reading.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Cutest Baby Ever

So my first real blog post is going to be totally self-absorbed...but completely unbiased :) I have the cutest baby ever. Ian Nicholas Leonardi was born on 9/19/08. He just turned 5 months old. Paul and I are so blessed to have him.

The above picture is from the hospital....Ian is one day old.

Joining the Blogging World

So I finally did it....I got a blog. Now the big question is, what shall I blog about? I'm thinking this is going to be a pretty random thing. Right now the most exciting thing in my life is being a new mom. So there will probably be lots of baby related stuff on here. I'll probably use this site to complain about random things and random people as well.

Off to join the world of blogdom!